Weybridge Orthodontics
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Most of our Orthodontists are specialist qualified and all are members of National and International professional organisations such as The British Orthodontic Society, The American Orthodontic Society and The World Federation Of Orthodontists.
All our Specialist Orthodontists have undergone three years of Postgraduate Orthodontic training at the most prestigious Dental Schools in the UK.
All our Specialist Orthodontists have completed five years of undergraduate study to obtain their Dental degree.
Several of our Specialist Orthodontists hold prestigious consultancy posts at eminent UK Dental Hospitals. This entails a further two years of intensive hospital training.
We employ a groundbreaking team of Orthodontic Therapists. We are one of the first Orthodontic practices in the UK to train and employ Orthodontic Therapists registered with Royal College of Surgeons (England).
Our entire Orthodontic team is committed to maintaining the highest level of continuing education, training and expertise.
Our friendly Orthodontic Nurses are all registered with the General Dental Council and thus meet the high standards and qualifications that are set by the GDC.