Able Plumbing 24/7
Local 24 Hr Plumbing Service
Fast Repairs – Home & Business
Burst Pipes, Blocked Drains
Plumbing Heating Drainage Gas
Fast Service
No Call Out Fee + Gas Safe
The Able Group was founded in 1993 as an emergency maintenance service, originally trading under the name of Able Glaze. Initially providing coverage to London and Essex areas, the company gradually expanded and in 1998 became nationwide. The Able Group then progressed in 2000 and moved to a larger premise in Leigh on Sea, Essex. Utilising the expansive new operations centre and recognising a niche in the marketplace, more nationwide services were added to the company, including: locksmiths, plumbing, drainage, electrics, gas and heating work and pest control. Now known as the Able Group, the company is at the forefront of providing professional and reactive maintenance services for homes and businesses nationwide.